About Frontier TeleNet
Frontier TeleNet (“Frontier”) is an independent intergovernmental entity created under Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 190 (“ORS 190”). Authorized by the Oregon Public Utility Commission to provide telecommunications services in Oregon as a competitive provider, Frontier uses a combination of its own wireless (microwave) network assets and broadband circuits and facilities purchased at wholesale from other carriers to operate an advanced “middle-mile” telecommunications network covering over 4,000 square miles containing Oregon’s three least populated counties (total combined population of approximately 5,000).
Frontier uses its network to provide broadband transport, internet access communications, and interoperability analog/digital switching service to a four county 9-1-1 dispatch center and the multitude of multi-jurisdictional law enforcement and emergency services/fire agencies served through the dispatch center. In addition to serving the first responders community, Frontier TeleNet also provides broadband transport and internet access to multiple school districts, local governments, rural health care clinics and other community-service institutions located in areas lacking in service altogether or where service is only available at rates that are cost-prohibitive.
Like all ORS 190 intergovernmental entities in Oregon, Frontier is governed and controlled by a Board of Directors (Board) appointed by, responsible to and acting on behalf of the units of local government that are parties to the intergovernmental agreement that created the organization and governs its ongoing operations. Current parties to Frontier’s governance agreement (i.e., Frontier’s “members”) are Gilliam County, Sherman County and Wheeler County. Each County Court appoints one member of Frontier’s three member Board. Since no single member controls 50% or more of the voting rights of the Board, Oregon law provides that Frontier is legally-distinct and independent from each of its members.
In 2023, Frontier’s Board of Directors consists of:
Sherman County Judge Joe Dabulskis (Board President)
Gilliam County Judge Cris Patnode (Board Vice-President)
Wheeler County Judge N. Lynn Morley (Secretary/Treasurer)
Since Frontier qualifies as a “public body” for purposes of Oregon’s public meetings and public records laws, Frontier provides public notice of any meeting in which a quorum of its Board of Directors is likely to participate. In addition, Frontier encourages members of the public to attend and participate in its public meetings, and makes sure an official record of all public meetings is made available to the public in a timely manner.
Intergovernmental Agreement Creating Frontier TeleNet (January 25, 2019 updated draft pending approval by the governing body of each Frontier Member.)
Bylaws (rev. January 25, 2019)