JULY 28, 2016
A special meeting of the Board of Directors of Frontier TeleNet was called to order by Chair, Judge Patrick C. Perry at 10:08 AM. This meeting held in the North Central Education District meeting room in Condon, Oregon.
Directors Present: Judge Patrick C. Perry, Judge Steven Shaffer, Judge Gary Thompson and North Central ESD Superintendent Robert Waltenburg.
Also Present: Mike Smith, Ryan LeBlanc, Peter Mitchell, April Stream, Rene Heidy, Sandy McKay, Kathryn Greiner, Mac Stinchfield, Elizabeth Ferrar, Rob Myers and Jeanne Burch.
Directors Additions to Agenda: Judge Perry requested that Frontier TeleNet ability to accept private funds be added to agenda.
Judge Shaffer requested that Loan to Frontier Digital by Frontier TeleNet be added to agenda.
Moved by Judge Thompson, seconded by Robert Waltenburg that these items be added to the agenda. Motion carried with all present voting aye.
Public Input: Sandy McKay representing the Giliam County Soil and Water Conservation District addressed the Board regarding the poor internet connections to their office in Condon. Mr. McKay said that they have poor reception and sometimes there is none at all. He said he needs better service to operate his office. The minimum he needs is 5mg. 10 would be better and 15 would be great. Ryan LeBlanc of Day Wireless explained how the internet reached that location and stated that RTG serves that building. RTG receives their service from Frontier Telenet and they are receiving more than they are using for Condon. Ryan reported he had dealt with this same situation with other RTG customers. The Board thanked Mr. McKay for his presentation and making them aware of the internet problems in Condon.
Private Funds: Judge Perry asked if an ORS 190 such as Frontier TeleNet can accept private investment. Both Rob Myers and Judge Thompson stated that this is a question for legal counsel. Rob will contact legal counsel and report back to the board. Judge Perry also asked if there is a way an investor can own dark fiber or have a guarantee of use. Ryan LeBlanc explained how the bandwidth works concerning dark fiber. Ryan also made it clear that Day Wireless has a separate contract with Sherman County for their projects.
Condon Fiber RFP: Judge Perry reported that he had attended the Condon Fiber Committee Meeting and they will be issuing an RFP for their project soon. Kathryn Greiner stated this would be shortly after the August 3, 2016 Condon City Council meeting. This RFP should be issued August 8, 2016. Peter Mitchell asked about local access by small communities to internet service. Mr. Mitchell was interested in how local projects work. Mike Smith gave an overview of the Sherman Fiber Project and how it works for private business and the fact that public comes first. Frontier TeleNet is a wholesaler of bandwidth and individual ISP must purchase for retail.
Motorola Payment Due: Judge Shaffer discussed the fact that the Motorola Warranty Payment is past due. At this time Frontier TeleNet will have to loan money to Frontier Digital to pay this bill. Ryan LeBlanc reported that he had met with Motorola and pointed out that they owe Frontier Digital an upgrade. Subsequent discussion by Board of Directors agreed that there was enough money budgeted in each current county budget to make this payment. Therefore, a loan will not be necessary to Frontier Digital from Frontier TeleNet.
Bank Documents: The need to update bank account signature cards at the Bank of Eastern Oregon Fossil Branch discussed. Moved by Judge Shaffer, seconded by Judge Thompson to approve the following as signatures on the Bank of Eastern Oregon Fossil Branch account:
Steven L. Shaffer, Giliam County Judge
Gary D. Thompson, Sherman County Judge
Patrick C. Perry, Wheeler County Judge
Nancy L. Misener
Brenda Snow Potter
Jeanne E. Burch, Finance Staff has access to bank accounts and is allowed to make transfers between accounts as necessary as well as make deposits and discuss banking issues if necessary with Bank of Eastern Oregon.
Other: Mike Smith gave an overview of his recent National Association of Counties meeting in Long Beach with regarding telecommunication issues.
Cottonwood State Park Tower: A brief discussion held on the location of the tower at the Cottonwood State Park. Judge Thompson pointed out a potential that might work on State Park lands and asked Day Wireless to investigate.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM on the motion of Judge Shaffer, seconded by Judge Thompson with all present voting aye.
Next Meeting to be determined after the Board of Directors work session which will follow this meeting.
Respectfully Submitted
Jeanne E. Burch, Frontier TeleNet Staff