The regular meeting of the Frontier TeleNet Board of Directors was called to order by Vice-Chair Judge Steve Shaffer at 10:06 AM. This meeting held in the north Central Education Service District conference room at 135 South Main Street, Condon, Oregon.

Directors Present: Judge Steve Shaffer, Judge Gary Thompson, NCESD Superintendent Robert Waltenbug.

Also Present: Dale Scobert, Kathryn Greiner, Mac Stinchfield, Renee Heidy, April Stream, Peter Mitchell, Pat Lauritsen, Blake Lawrence, Ryan LeBlanc, Will Carey, Lynn Morley, Mike Smith, Ken Gross, Rob Myers and Jeanne Burch.

Public Input or Comment: Kathryn Greiner asked if the City of Condon RFP (Request for Proposals) was going to be discussed as it was not on the agenda. Kathryn Greiner also had questions about the Frontier Telenet proposed RFQ (Request for Quotes). Katherine cited dollar amounts from a copy of an email she had in her possession and asked if those amounts were still current. Steve Shaffer reported that was the reason for the RFQ.

Election of Officers: Steve Shaffer reported that due to the recall of Wheeler County Judge Chris Perry there is a vacancy on the Board. Moved by Robert Waltenburg, seconded by Gary Thompson to move vice chair Steve Shaffer to chair of Frontier TeleNet. Motion carried with all present voting aye. Moved by Steve Shaffer, seconded by Robert Waltenburg to appoint Gary Thompson as vice chair of Frontier TeleNet. Motion carried with all present voting aye.

Directors Changes to Agenda: Steve Shaffer requested that approval of Fiber Project update be added to Old Business. Steve Shaffer also requested that More Public Input be added to the end of the agenda before adjourning.

Minutes: The minutes of August 10, 2016 Frontier TeleNet meeting reviewed. Moved by Gary Thompson, seconded by Robert Waltenburg that Frontier TeleNet Minutes of August 10, 2016 be approved as presented. Motion carried.

Financial Report: No financial report at this meeting. A discussion held regarding the past due J&N Cable Billings.

Frontier Regional 911 Report: No report at this meeting.

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