AUGUST 25, 2017
The regular meeting of the Frontier TeleNet Board of Directors was called to order at 10:15 by Chairman Judge Steve Shaffer. This meeting held at the Wasco Annex in Wasco, Oregon.
Directors Present: Steve Shaffer, Lynn Morley and Gary Thompson
Also Present: Ryan LeBlanc, Steve Wynn, Tom McCoy, Mac Stinchfield, Kathryn Greiner, Elizabeth Farrar, Will Carey, Jack Lyon, Matthew Seckora, Mike Smith, Jeanne Burch and Rob Myers (by telephone).
Public Input/Comment: Jack Lyon addressed the meeting and asked what the benefits are for the broadband consumer and what is available and how it is accessed. Directors explained that Frontier Telenet provides service to the community but the local ISP is who provides to the individual consumer.
Directors Changes or Additions to Agenda: None
Minutes: Minutes of July 21, 2017 Frontier TeleNet Board of Directors Meeting reviewed. Moved by Lynn Morley, seconded by Gary Thompson to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried with all present voting aye.
Financials: Financial Statement for July presented. Steve Shaffer was interested in how much we pay each month for Broadband Service from the individual carriers. Each carrier is noted on the financial statement and the amount paid. Tom McCoy is concerned about the amount paid to Inland Development on behalf of Sherman County. Tom McCoy asked if a marketing plan is being developed and feels that is a necessity. Mike Smith agreed and said that a marketing plan has been developed and reminded Commissioner McCoy that this had been presented to the Sherman County Court several months ago. Moved by Gary Thompson, seconded by Lynn Morley to approve financial statement as presented. Motion carried with all present voting aye.
Frontier Digital Network/Frontier TeleNet Merger: All three counties have passed the necessary ordinance to create the FDN/FTN Merger and this will be taken care of at the September 15, 2017 regular meeting.
Cottonwood Tower Update: This was a Frontier Digital Network Meeting item.
Wheeler County Wireless Project Update: Governor Brown has signed the necessary documents and project is proceeding. The first phase is to deal with the wireless project in Fossil and there already is 30% more bandwidth.
AOC Assistance Update: Greg Wolf of Association of Oregon Counties is working on this project. Greg has done 7 or 8 interviews and will be doing more in September 2017. There also was a discussion of having a booth at the AOC December Conference and possibly sharing with CORREA.
Web Site and other Social Media Presentation: Matt Seckora of Seckora Consulting and IT Solutions presented bids for the Frontier TeleNet Request to establish a web site. Bids were Seckora Consulting $4500.00 plus $190.00 Web Hosting Fee for a total of $4,690.00. IT Solutions $5,200.00 plus $79.00 per month for Web Hosting. Moved by Lynn Morley, seconded by Gary Thompson to retain Seckora Consulting to construct the Frontier Telenet Web Site with a cap on contract to be $4,800.00. Motion carried with all present voting aye.
SUAII Motorola Service Contract Proposal: This was a Frontier Digital Network Item.
Sherman County Fiber Optic RFP for Wasco to Rufus Update: Mike Smith reported the tentative date to advertise this RFP is September 15, 2017 but will not advertise until guarantee that funds are available. It was the consensus of Directors to authorize advertising this RFP at the appropriate time.
Frontier 911-Burns Tribe Update: Waiting for a signed contract to come back from Chief Smith. There will be a new CEO for the Burns Tribe and that may be holding up receiving the signed contract.
Indemnification of Contractors: This was taken care of in the Frontier Digital Network meeting.
Receipt of New Policies and Procedures Documents: Legal Counsel Will Carey stated this is for procurement and the rules are regularly updated. To adopt there needs to be a public hearing and also needs to be advertised. These documents will be taken care of at September 15, 2017 Board of Directors Meeting.
Resolution No. 082517-001 a Policy for expense spending: Resolution No. 082517-01, a Resolution Providing for spending limits for continuing maintenance and emergency issues with and without prior authorization reviewed. Moved by Lynn Morley, seconded by Gary Thompson to approve Resolution No. 082517-001 as presented. Motion carried with all present voting aye.
Policy for Records Request and Fee Structure. Mike Smith stated that Directors have had this draft policy and that a cost for electronic requests has been added. Moved by Lynn Morley, seconded by Gary Thompson to approve the Policy for Records Request and Fee Structure as amended. Motion carried with all present voting aye.
Items for the good of the order: Steve Wynn or Day Wireless, praised the performance of the Frontier Telenet and Frontier Digital Network system during the Solar Eclipse. Steve said that it worked perfect and he was very pleased.
Public Input/Comments: Jack Lyon stated that he is still concerned about individual service to private homes and businesses. Kathryn Greiner asked about the Pinnacle Debt and would it be transferred to Frontier TeleNet when the merger of the two entities occurs. Judge Shaffer answered yes and informed that there are still two years left on this debt. Judge Shaffer also stated that he is not a complete believer that fiber to the home is going to be the future and wireless is more in demand.
Next Meeting: September 15, 2017 in Fossil. Frontier Digital will begin at 9:50 AM and Frontier Telenet at 10 AM. The Public Hearing on Policies and Procedures will be advertised for 10:15 AM.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 12:22 PM.
Respectfully Submitted:
Jeanne E. Burch
Frontier TeleNet Staff.