NCESD Building
135 S. Main St. – Condon, Oregon
Large Conference Room
1.0 Call to Order & Director Roll Call -11:35
2.0 Public Input/Comment
3.0 Directors’ Changes or Additions to the Agenda
4.0 Minutes
4.1 Review and Approval Moved by Gary, seconded by Lynn to approve.
5.0 Financials
5.1 Review and Approval Financials Approved.
6.0 Discussion/Possible Action Item SIEC Grant –
7.0 Discussion on SIEC Grant payment discussed at length. Discussion on monitoring the project. Moved by Lynn for FDN to ask for loan to pay for the
reimbursement of the SIEC Grant. Motion carried. The Motorola Service Contract will increase with the new equipment.
8.0 Other – General
Cottonwood Canyon Gary asked how it is proceeding. Rob said that the weather has it stopped.
9.0 Public Input/Comment
10.0 Les Roark was the SIEC Grant application made public. Rob said that he would get copy to Les. Les asked if Mike Smith service on the SIEC Board was because he was a County Commissioner. The conclusion is that they did not think so but they will check on this.
11.0 Next Meeting-January 25 in Fossil 3:30.
12.0 Adjournment: 11:55
The Frontier TeleNet board reserves the right at its sole discretion to enter into Executive Session under ORS 192.660 (a), (g), (j), (n)(D).