SEPTEMBER 28, 2016


The regular board meeting of the Board of Directors for Frontier TeleNet was called to order by Chairman, Judge Steve Shaffer at 10:20 AM.  This meeting held in the conference room of the North Central Education District, 135 S. Main Street in Condon, Oregon.

Directors Present:  Judge Steve Shaffer, Judge Gary Thompson, Judge N. Lynn Morley and North Central ESD Superintendent, Robert Waltenburg by video conference.

Also Present:  Rachel Weinstein, Ken Gross, Kathryn Greiner, Mac Stinchfield, Mike Smith, April Stream, Rob Myers and Jeanne Burch.

Public Input:  None

Directors Changes or Additions to Agenda:  None

Minutes:  Minutes of September 15, 2016 meeting reviewed.  Moved by Lynn Morley, Seconded by Gary Thompson to approve the minutes as presented.  Motion carried with all present voting aye.  Jeanne Burch asked for clarification from Directors on sending out draft minutes or to wait until minutes were approved.  Steve Shaffer expressed the opinion that he thought the minutes should be approved before sending out.  There was not any comment from others.  Jeanne said that she will try to follow public meeting law and get them out promptly but if the Board does not meet they might not be approved right away so they will have to go out as a draft.

Financial Report:  Jeanne Burch reported that the monthly financial report would go out at the end of September but gave a quick overview of balances in checking and investment account.

Old Business:

Sherman County Fiber Project Update:  Mike Smith gave a report on the Sherman County Fiber Project.  Fiber has been connected to Erskine and should be lit by October 14, 2016.  Sherman County Courthouse is lit and the project is proceeding to Grass Valley.  The Grass Valley portion should finish in approximately one week.  Mike will be meeting with Grass Valley officials and citizens to present an overview and answer questions about the project.  Inquiries have been made by Sheri Kaseberg, Sherman County resident and e-news editor regarding the project.  Gary Thompson stated most of these had been answered but Sherman County will be happy to provide the requested information.  Jeanne Burch reported that Frontier TeleNet and Frontier Digital have complied with Mrs. Kaseberg’s document request and will continue to do so.

Cottonwood Park Site Development Update:  Mike Smith reported on the Cottonwood Park internet project.  Mike stated that a hut, power converter and tower had been secured.  Day Wireless has submitted an area coverage report to the Board.  It appears this new site will be adequate and allow the installation to go forward.  Mike also reported on proposed meetings with the State of Oregon about possible usage and partnerships.  Mike also reported the Cottonwood SEC Grant is moving forward and it may help Wheeler County with repeaters.  Possible partnerships with the State of Oregon discussed and the goal of partnering on the digital switch concerning the possible Cascadia Event.  A brief discussion held about equipment and infrastructure in Wheeler County.

Frontier TeleNet Executive Director of Marketing:

Judge Shaffer passed out a proposed job description for this position.  Judge Shaffer stated that Frontier TeleNet is more than just an internet provider.  Judge Shaffer pointed out that Frontier TeleNet provides emergency services connection.  This is a vital service in the Frontier TeleNet service area.  Judge stated there was only one applicant for this position and that same job would command a substantial salary in a more populated area.  Robert Waltenburg indicated that marketing to other 911 systems is important and that Frontier TeleNet and Frontier Digital Network needs a marketing director.

Judge Shaffer noted that Les Ruark had sent an email outlining several concerns about this position.  That email was provided to all that attended this meeting and is attached to these minutes.  Robert Waltenburg asked who does this person report to and do they have authority to make commitments?  He feels this needs to be added to the job description.  Judge Shaffer replied that this person should report back to the Board and Board makes the decisions regarding contracting.  The Board should be the only authority to enter into contracts.  Gary Thompson asked if this person will have the authority to quote prices?  Rob Myers stated there are rate sheets but the person has to have the flexibility to negotiate rates.  Gary Thompson pointed out that with Frontier TeleNet being a public entity, there may be some problems due to public information request and the need to negotiate.

Moved by Lynn Morley, seconded by Gary Thompson to approve the position of Frontier TeleNet Executive Director of Marketing and enter into negotiations with Connections LLC for this position.  Motion carried with all present voting aye.

Frontier TeleNet RFQ/RFP:

General Manager Rob Myers asked for clarification on the rewrite of the Frontier TeleNet RFQ/RFP.  Rob asked if this is to be two projects?  One project would be in Gilliam County from Arlington to Condon and the other project would be in Wheeler County from Fossil to Condon or possibly to Dayville.  Rob stated that it is “mission critical” for fiber to 911 center be underground.  There was an extended discussion about underground vs. aerial installation.  The Board finally reached the conclusion that there will only be one RFQ/RFP with options to build each phase.  Rob asked how long it will take to draft this RFP and he answered within a week.

New Business:

It was reported that Zayo Bandwidth is working in the area installing fiber and that CenturyLink has requested a meeting with all three counties. The Judges will coordinate the CenturyLink meeting.

Other:  Judge Shaffer reported the City of Condon has received several responses to their RFP and complimented them on the job well done.

Public Comment:  Kathryn Greiner asked what the deadline would be on the Frontier TeleNet RFQ/RFP and Rob Myers replied a minimum of 30 days.  Kathryn also stated that she had asked for a copy of the RFQ/RFP but had been denied and stated she felt others had received copies.

Judge Shaffer requested that the following be read into the minutes:  “The goal of Frontier TeleNet is to utilize the system to provide broadband to each area.  From there a local internet provider (ISP) would provide service to individual customers.”

Mike Smith asked if it is possible, under public meeting law, to go into executive session regarding contracts.  After a lengthy discussion and research on public meeting law it was determined this was not possible.

Next Meeting:  October 17, 2016 at 2 P.M. at the Condon Fire Hall.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:05 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted

Jeanne E. Burch

Frontier TeleNet Staff

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